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The Catholic Women's League
at St. Catherine of Siena Parish

What is CWL?

The Catholic Women's League is the largest
organization of Catholic women in Canada.

Why should I join?

For personal and spiritual growth, friendship, fun.

What we do

  • Faith​

  • Service

  • Social Justice

Mission Statement

The Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization rooted in Gospel values, calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.

The League in the
Personal Life of a Member

Members of the Catholic Women's League of Canada believe:

That as human beings and as Christians, League members have a responsibility to witness the Good News of the Risen Christ, and that membership in the league opens a new vision, helping them to fulfil in greater measure their Christian mission in the Church and in the world.

That through study, members of the League better understand the Church's teachings and the ways in which Christ may be known in society today.

That through the League's programs, members gain greater understanding of the liturgy, nourish their faith, and gain spiritual strength to joyfully fulfil their mission.

That through active participation in the League's standing committees, members have many opportunities to give good example and leadership in the formation and expression of Christian attitudes and principles.

That as the League is dedicated to the preservation of Christian Family Life, League members help strengthen Canadian families.

That as Christian education is of ever-increasing importance in the modern world, League members can foster its ideals in a practical way.

That League membership gives all women in Canada an opportunity to communicate; to develop a better understanding of their varied cultures and to have concern for all Canadians.

That through the League, members help "change the world" by assistance in parish, community, and country; and become global citizens in the world community through assistance to Development and Peace and through affiliation with the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations.

Objectives of the CWL

The objectives of the League shall be to unite Catholic women of Canada:

  1. to achieve individual and collective spiritual development

  2. to promote the teachings of the Catholic Church

  3. to exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life

  4. to protect the sanctity of human life

  5. to enhance the role of women in Church and society

  6. to recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere

  7. to uphold and defend Christian education and values in the modern world

  8. to contribute to the understanding and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace, and harmony.

This year's CWL theme:

Contact us

St. Catherine of Siena Parish

2718 8th Line Road

PO Box 220

Metcalfe, ON

K0A 2P0



Office Phone:  (613) 821-3776

Rectory Phone:  (613) 574-1298

Parish Priest:   Fr. Jonathan Madueke

Administrative Assistant:   Mrs. Rita McCarthy

If you would like to contact us by e-mail, please see the CONTACT US  menu at the top of the page.

©2024 by St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church | Metcalfe, ON

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